Thursday, 21 May 2015

A Day in the Life...Peak Week Edition

Wake Up

I also weight myself as soon as I get up. Weighing myself every day may be extreme but it's what needs to be done in peak week to ensure me and my coach are doing the right things. My weight has fluctuated a lot the past few days with water retention but hopefully it'll drop more over the next couple of day.

Coffee and CLA

Fasted Cardio

Luckily yesterday was my last day of fasted cardio before my competition. It was also the hardest run I've ever done in my life even though it was only 20 minutes.


I've been on carb depletion for the last 3 days so breakfast was scrambled egg white with spinach and topped with my lifesaving hot sauce along with a big glass of Berocca.


Shaved my legs and exfoliated to try and get rid of my trial tan before the proper coat on Saturday. Sad because I've finished my Soap and Glory Sugar Crush Scrub.

Teeth Whitening

I've been using these for a week now (missed a couple of days) but they're working really well so far

Uni work

Unfortunately can't skip the uni work just because I'm tired.  Luckily though I can sit in my bed to do it with my furry blanket and squidgy cushions

Snack time!
I also had a teaspoon of almond butter but I ate it before I took this photo haha!

Blog Catch Up!

A painful yet necessary part of bikini prep is hair removal. The beds here are so comfy - they put a heated pad under the cover and I could nearly fall asleep every time!

Turkey mince, scrambled egg whites and green beans...probably the strangest meal combo of my entire prep haha! Hot sauce on top obvs! I take another CLA and cod liver oil at lunchtime.

I've been doing high volume full body circuits the past 3 days. My entire body is aching but it feels so good haha! Also did some posing practice after my workout and had to nip into Asda to get more Greek Yoghurt...put on my blinkers and went straight to the yoghurt aisle and out haha!

Snack time #2
I'm so in love with my Promixxer that I bought at BodyPower.  It has a motorised mixer to save your arms and get that super smooth protein shake we all love! I also got the upgrade pack that comes with a rechargable motor, a nutripod to store your powder and extra lid.

I spent some more time doing uni and blog work but thought you didn't really need to see any picture of that haha!

Dinner was another weird combination of Sea Bass, scrambled egg whites, asparagus and yep - more hot sauce! I also take another CLA and a multivitamin with my evening meal.

Today was actually a good day energy wise compared to Tuesday.  Very excited about my carb up from tomorrow!

Let me know if you enjoyed this post as I'll be doing more Day in the Life photoblogs at random point in the future :)


  1. Looks like you've been working really hard on your training! Also, your breakfast looked amazing!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog

    1. Thank you! yeah it's been a bit of a struggle at times but I'm nearly there :)

  2. wow peak week sounds a little stressful, but you seem determined and positive about it so that's good. :)


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