Wednesday, 31 December 2014

2015 Blogging Resolutions

I'm not one to normally make New Years Resolutions but I've decided to make blogging resolutions this year in the hope to keep me more focussed on growing my blog and my internet know how!

Be More Organised
I've always thought of myself as a fairly well organised person...I have a Filofax which I use (most of the time), I like planning things and I utterly despise being late! So being organised with my blog would seem like a pretty natural thing for me right? Apparently not though since I've been slipping in and out of blogging over the past year.  As such things really need to change for 2015.
Being in 3rd year at university means I really need to up my game and theres more studying and coursework than ever before.  Also I'm going to be competing in the UKBFF Scottish Bikini Championships in May which will involve lots of gym time and prep that needs to be incorporated into my current time restraints along with keeping myself sane by seeing friends and family and holding down a part time job - phew!
My Filofax has had a mini overhaul and hopefully I've found the layout and inserts that will work best for me and motivate me to actually use it.  Time management is going to be key over the next few months to keep me focussed.  I'm going to try and write up multiple posts in advance when I have a few hours instead of writing them the day before I want to post them.

Improve my Photography
We all know as bloggers that great visuals -along with a catchy title - can be what entices someone to read your blog and I know it's something I definitely need to brush up on.  I'll be reading up on how to improve my skills, edit photos and coming up with creative ideas to keep everything fresh.  I'm also considering looking into buying myself a better camera but with the expense of competing in bikini it'll be a few months down the line yet.  Have you guys got suggestions of good blogging cameras that don't break the bank?

Keep Up With Series Posts - time management, planning ahead
I've started what were supposed to be a few different post series that only ever had one season.  This year I'll be getting back to those series and adding in some new ones.  Again this will involve lots of time management and planning but as long as I finish one series before starting another I'll be happy.

Write About My Monthly Favourites
Monthly favourites is something I never consistently do and I think it's because I always use the same products so don't really see much point.  Hopefully by resolving to write about what I've loved each month I'll be pushed to try out new products and get out of the rut I'm in.

Be More Consistent
Consistency with when I post has always been an issue for me but I feel like the last couple of weeks I have found the balance for me.  I've been posting on Mondays and Fridays and this seems to work for the time I have at present.  Maybe in the future I'll be able to increase how often I post but for the moment I'm perfectly happy with my twice weekly posts and long may it continue!

Be More Involved In The Blogging Community
I have a little list in my Filofax of the networking that I had planned to do every day as a reminder to actually do it.  As much as I love reading blogs and writing my own blog, I know that I won't be able to progress and grow my blog in the way I want to if I don't go out there and actually engage with readers and other bloggers.  Hopefully this will also bring more opportunity to attend blogger events and work with brands - obviously not the only reason I blog but it does help to meet people in person.

What are your resolutions for 2015?

1 comment:

  1. Great post, i'm still thinking about my resolutions but learning how to use my camera is one of them. I've got a Samsung NX3000, its a smart compact camera so it cheaper and easier to carry around than a DSLR but has a large sensor to take great quality photos.


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